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‘If you have to ask why I built a midlife fitness movement, you will never understand why.’

WAYNE LÈAL’S JOURNEY is marked by notable achievements, including designing the livery for an international airline, winning a Businessman of the Year award and training world champion athletes.

At 66, Leal’s journey is a testament to human resilience. He defied the odds, slowing the ageing process and achieving his midlife goal of maintaining an excellent testosterone level and lean body mass (9-10% body fat). Despite not engaging in traditional forms of exercise like running, weightlifting, or sit-ups, he has managed to overcome numerous injuries to major joints and invasive surgeries, at times, struggling to walk.

He believes a healthy lifestyle demands hard work and discipline, countering the adverse effects of ageing. Negative thinking and lack of confidence often hinder progress. However, with mental and physical discipline, lasting change is achievable.

Once discipline is cultivated, transformations occur in physical appearance, mindset, emotions, and communication. The Meta-Age lifestyle, a beacon of hope, offers a pathway to permanent change and enhances overall well-being. It’s not just a lifestyle; it’s a life-altering journey that promises a better future. The Meta-Age lifestyle is a testament to the power of change and the potential within each of us.

Leal, always one for a good joke, paraphrased the Star Trek show, saying, ‘Meta-Age is my final frontier to go where few have before.’ This light-hearted approach underscores the shared journey we are all on, making it more relatable and engaging for everyone.


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