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‘Meta-Age challenges do them to have fun and be fit, not just lose weight!’

THE OBESITY EPIDEMIC is reaching irreversible levels, with predictions showing alarming rates by 2030. Meta-Age embodies social responsibility with initiatives like Meta-Age Office and Super6 Kids Challenges, and we are pleased to say that we have the support of NHS NW London.


STANDING AND SITTING without using your hands for support is more complex than it sounds. Using your hands to stand up leads to poor habits and issues like back pain and reduced mobility. By not using your hands, you focus on technique and posture to strengthen muscles and improve health.

Remember, this isn’t about a quick fix. It’s about a long-term solution that can transform your health. By treating standing and sitting as opportunities for mindful movement and exercise, we can gradually rectify poor habits and pave the way for a healthier future.

This approach fosters improved posture, reduced discomfort, and enhanced mobility. These small changes can significantly affect our overall health and well-being.


It’s a worrying trend. Research reveals that eleven-year-olds engage in over an hour less physical activity per week than their six-year-old counterparts. This decline is even more pronounced in some regions across the UK, where children spend a mere 7.7% of their school time being active. This should be a wake-up call for parents and educators, urging us to do more to promote physical activity among our children.

Super6—six doable one-minute exercises can help children process what is happening now, clear their minds, and return to developing their use of verbal language. We aim for Super6 to be mandatory from Year 6 to influence future generations of children in secondary and senior schools.

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Last year, Instagram was on fire, with nearly 3,000 members of Shredquarters gyms participating in the summer Push Up and Squat 21-Day Challenge.

The Push-Up and Squat fitness challenge extends beyond physical activity, embodying principles of accountability and discipline. Participants commit to the regimen even on challenging days, bolstered by shared responsibility with fellow challengers.

Push Up & Squat Guidelines


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